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- #include <dos.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include "mouse.h"
- /*
- * Mouse driver interface code for standard INT 33h mouse driver.
- * This C version replaces the earlier memory model specific assembler
- * versions. The 80386 assembler version (mouse_f.as) should still be
- * used for flat model, due to the need to handle interaction between
- * real and protected mode using DOS extender system calls.
- *
- * Colin Weaver, HI-TECH Software June 1992
- *
- * This code assumes that the int86x() function returns the new values
- * of the segment registers in the "SREGS" strcture passed.
- */
- #define DOS_INT 0x21 /* MS-DOS: int 21h */
- #define MOUSE_INT 0x33 /* Mouse driver: int 33h */
- #define ushort unsigned short
- #define ulong unsigned long
- #define FPTR_SEG(ptr) (((long)(far void (*)(void))(ptr)) >> 16)
- #define GLUE_STACK_SIZE 256
- far volatile unsigned long * _TICK_COUNT_ = (far unsigned long *) 0x0040006CL;
- static far unsigned short KBSTATUS @ 0x00400017L;
- /*
- * int initmouse(void)
- *
- * Initialize the mouse driver, return the number of buttons, or -1 on
- * failure.
- */
- int
- initmouse(void)
- {
- union REGS reg;
- struct SREGS seg;
- reg.x.ax = 0x3533; /* funcion 35H, get vector: 33H */
- int86x(DOS_INT, ®, ®, &seg);
- if (reg.x.bx == 0 && seg.es == 0)
- return -1; /* no mouse driver */
- reg.x.ax = 0; /* function 0: reset mouse */
- int86(MOUSE_INT, ®, ®);
- if (reg.x.ax == 0)
- return -1; /* mouse not present */
- return reg.x.bx; /* return button count */
- }
- /*
- * void shutdownmouse(void)
- *
- * Shut down mouse driver - dummy on PC
- */
- void
- shutdownmouse(void)
- {
- eventhandler(0, NULL);
- }
- /*
- * void showcursor(void)
- *
- * Increment the cursor hide/show level
- */
- void
- showcursor(void)
- {
- union REGS reg;
- reg.x.ax = 1; /* function 1: show cursor */
- int86(MOUSE_INT, ®, ®);
- }
- /*
- * void hidecursor(void)
- *
- * Decrement the cursor hide/show level
- */
- void
- hidecursor(void)
- {
- union REGS reg;
- reg.x.ax = 2; /* function 2: hide cursor */
- int86(MOUSE_INT, ®, ®);
- }
- /*
- * void readmouse(struct mousedata * mouse)
- *
- * Read mouse position and button status
- */
- void
- readmouse(struct mousedata * mouse)
- {
- union REGS reg;
- reg.x.ax = 3; /* function 3: read pos'n & status */
- int86(MOUSE_INT, ®, ®);
- mouse->timer = *_TICK_COUNT_;
- mouse->buttons = reg.x.bx;
- mouse->x = reg.x.cx;
- mouse->y = reg.x.dx;
- }
- /*
- * void setmousepos(int row, int col)
- *
- * Set mouse position to (row, col)
- */
- void
- setmousepos(int row, int col)
- {
- union REGS reg;
- reg.x.cx = col;
- reg.x.dx = row;
- reg.x.ax = 4; /* function 4: set cursor position */
- int86(MOUSE_INT, ®, ®);
- }
- /*
- * void getpressinfo(int button, struct mousedata * mouse)
- *
- * Return number of button presses for specified button
- */
- void
- getpressinfo(int button, struct mousedata * mouse)
- {
- union REGS reg;
- reg.x.ax = 5; /* function 5: get button press info */
- reg.x.bx = button;
- int86(MOUSE_INT, ®, ®);
- mouse->timer = *_TICK_COUNT_;
- mouse->buttons = reg.x.ax;
- mouse->count = reg.x.bx;
- mouse->x = reg.x.cx;
- mouse->y = reg.x.dx;
- }
- /*
- * void getreleaseinfo(int button, struct mousedata * mouse)
- *
- * Return number of button releases for specified button
- */
- void
- getreleaseinfo(int button, struct mousedata * mouse)
- {
- union REGS reg;
- reg.x.ax = 6; /* function 6: get release info */
- reg.x.bx = button;
- int86(MOUSE_INT, ®, ®);
- mouse->timer = *_TICK_COUNT_;
- mouse->buttons = reg.x.ax;
- mouse->count = reg.x.bx;
- mouse->x = reg.x.cx;
- mouse->y = reg.x.dx;
- }
- /*
- * void sethlimits(int min, int max)
- *
- * Set horizontal mouse movement bounds
- */
- void
- sethlimits(int min, int max)
- {
- union REGS reg;
- reg.x.ax = 7; /* function 7: set horizontal limits */
- reg.x.cx = min;
- reg.x.dx = max;
- int86(MOUSE_INT, ®, ®);
- }
- /*
- * void setvlimits(int min, int max)
- *
- * Set vertical mouse movement bounds
- */
- void
- setvlimits(int min, int max)
- {
- union REGS reg;
- reg.x.ax = 8; /* function 8: set vertical limits */
- reg.x.cx = min;
- reg.x.dx = max;
- int86(MOUSE_INT, ®, ®);
- }
- /*
- * void setgrcursor(struct graphic_cursor * cursor)
- *
- * Set the graphics mode cursor
- */
- void
- setgrcursor(struct graphic_cursor * cursor)
- {
- union REGS reg;
- struct SREGS seg;
- reg.x.ax = 9; /* function 9: set graphic cursor */
- reg.x.bx = cursor->hotspot_x;
- reg.x.cx = cursor->hotspot_y;
- reg.x.dx = FP_OFF(cursor);
- seg.es = FP_SEG(cursor);
- int86x(MOUSE_INT, ®, ®, &seg);
- }
- /*
- * void setcursor(int type,
- * unsigned int smask_char, unsigned int smask_attr,
- * unsigned int cmask_char, unsigned int cmask_attr);
- *
- * Set the text mode cursor type and masks
- */
- void
- setcursor(int type, unsigned int smask_char, unsigned int smask_attr,
- unsigned int cmask_char, unsigned int cmask_attr)
- {
- union REGS reg;
- reg.x.ax = 10; /* function 10: set text cursor */
- reg.x.bx = type;
- reg.x.cx = (smask_char & 0xFF) | (smask_attr << 8);
- reg.x.dx = (cmask_char & 0xFF) | (cmask_attr << 8);
- int86(MOUSE_INT, ®, ®);
- }
- /*
- * void readcounters(struct mousedata * mouse)
- *
- * Read the mouse motion counters (deltas from last read)
- */
- void
- readcounters(struct mousedata * mouse)
- {
- union REGS reg;
- reg.x.ax = 11; /* function 11: read counters */
- int86(MOUSE_INT, ®, ®);
- mouse->x = reg.x.cx;
- mouse->y = reg.x.dx;
- }
- /*
- * void setpixelratio(int vertical, int horizontal)
- *
- * Set mouse motion/pixel ratio
- */
- void
- setpixelratio(int vertical, int horizontal)
- {
- union REGS reg;
- reg.x.ax = 15; /* function 15: set pixel ratio */
- reg.x.cx = horizontal;
- reg.x.dx = vertical;
- int86(MOUSE_INT, ®, ®);
- }
- /*
- * void conditionalhide(struct boundsrect * rect)
- *
- * Conditionally hide the cursor if it is within the specified rectangle
- */
- void
- conditionalhide(struct boundsrect * rect)
- {
- union REGS reg;
- reg.x.ax = 16; /* function 16: conditional hide */
- reg.x.cx = rect->left;
- reg.x.dx = rect->top;
- reg.x.si = rect->right;
- reg.x.di = rect->bottom;
- int86(MOUSE_INT, ®, ®);
- }
- /*
- * void speedthreshold(int threshold)
- *
- * Set the ballistic speed threshold, beyond which exponential mouse
- * response occurs (with supported drivers).
- */
- void
- speedthreshold(int threshold)
- {
- union REGS reg;
- reg.x.ax = 19; /* function 19: set speed threshold */
- reg.x.dx = threshold;
- int86(MOUSE_INT, ®, ®);
- }
- /*
- * void setsensitivity(struct sensitivity * se)
- *
- * Set the mouse sensitivity values (horizontal, vertical and
- * ballistic threshold)
- */
- void
- setsensitivity(struct sensitivity * se)
- {
- union REGS reg;
- reg.x.ax = 26; /* function 26: set sensitivity */
- reg.x.bx = se->horizontal;
- reg.x.cx = se->vertical;
- reg.x.dx = se->threshold;
- int86(MOUSE_INT, ®, ®);
- }
- /*
- * void getsensitivity(struct sensitivity * se)
- *
- * Get the mouse sensitivity values (horizontal, vertical and
- * ballistic threshold)
- */
- void
- getsensitivity(struct sensitivity * se)
- {
- union REGS reg;
- reg.x.ax = 27; /* function 27: get sensitivity */
- int86(MOUSE_INT, ®, ®);
- se->horizontal = reg.x.bx;
- se->vertical = reg.x.cx;
- se->threshold = reg.x.dx;
- }
- /*
- * size_t getstoragesize(void)
- *
- * Return the size of the buffer required to save the
- * complete driver state.
- */
- size_t
- getstoragesize(void)
- {
- union REGS reg;
- reg.x.ax = 21; /* function 21: driver state size */
- int86(MOUSE_INT, ®, ®);
- return reg.x.bx;
- }
- /*
- * void savestate(void * buffer)
- *
- * Save the state of the mouse driver in the specified buffer
- */
- void
- savestate(void * buffer)
- {
- union REGS reg;
- struct SREGS seg;
- reg.x.ax = 22; /* function 22: save driver state */
- reg.x.dx = FP_OFF(buffer);
- seg.es = FP_SEG(buffer);
- int86x(MOUSE_INT, ®, ®, &seg);
- }
- /*
- * void restorestate(void * buffer)
- *
- * Restore the mouse driver state from the specified buffer
- */
- void
- restorestate(void * buffer)
- {
- union REGS reg;
- struct SREGS seg;
- reg.x.ax = 23; /* function 23: restore driver state */
- reg.x.dx = FP_OFF(buffer);
- seg.es = FP_SEG(buffer);
- int86x(MOUSE_INT, ®, ®, &seg);
- }
- /*
- * int savemouse(void)
- *
- * Save the current mouse driver state. This function allocates the
- * buffer required to save the driver state.
- *
- * On exit: return value == 1 if save was successful, 0 otherwise.
- *
- * Two static variables are defined:
- *
- * size_t _m_savesize_ Size of buffer state (in case it changes)
- * void * _m_saveptr_ Driver state buffer pointer
- * obtained using malloc()
- */
- static size_t _m_savesize_;
- static void * _m_saveptr_;
- int
- savemouse(void)
- {
- if (_m_saveptr_) { /* block already allocated */
- if (_m_savesize_ < getstoragesize()) { /* large enough ? */
- free(_m_saveptr_);
- _m_saveptr_ = NULL;
- }
- }
- if (!_m_saveptr_) { /* need a new block ? */
- _m_savesize_ = getstoragesize();
- _m_saveptr_ = _non_ems_alloc(_m_savesize_);
- if (!_m_saveptr_) { /* did malloc() work ? */
- return 0;
- }
- }
- savestate(_m_saveptr_);
- return 1;
- }
- /*
- * int restoremouse(void)
- *
- * Restore the mouse driver state. This function uses the buffer
- * allocated by savemouse()
- *
- * Return code: 1 on success, 0 on failure.
- */
- int
- restoremouse(void)
- {
- if (_m_saveptr_) {
- restorestate(_m_saveptr_);
- return 1;
- } else {
- return 0;
- }
- }
- /*
- * void getmouseinfo(struct mouseinfo * minfo)
- *
- * Return the mouse driver version, mouse interface type and
- * mouse IRQ number in the "minfo" structure supplied.
- *
- * This function may not be available with some mouse drivers.
- */
- void
- getmouseinfo(struct mouseinfo * minfo)
- {
- union REGS reg;
- reg.x.ax = 36;
- int86(MOUSE_INT, ®, ®);
- minfo->majorver = reg.h.bh;
- minfo->minorver = reg.h.bl;
- minfo->mousetype = reg.h.ch;
- minfo->irqnumber = reg.h.cl;
- }
- /*
- * unsigned int keymodbits(void)
- *
- * Return the current keyboard modifier bits
- */
- unsigned int
- keymodbits(void)
- {
- return KBSTATUS;
- }
- /*
- * void eventhandler(int eventbits, void (*handler)(struct mousedata *))
- *
- * Install a user specified mouse event handler function.
- *
- * eventbits: mask specifying which event types are to be passed
- * to the user handler.
- *
- * handler: pointer to a user function which is called when
- * an event of one of the types specified in eventbits
- * occurs.
- *
- * The user event handler is NOT called directly by the mouse driver.
- * A special "glue" routine _asm_event_glue() is installed, and is
- * responsible for setting up a sensible execution environment before
- * passing the AX, BX, CX and DX register passed by the mouse driver
- * into _c_event_glue_();
- */
- extern void _asm_event_glue(void);
- static void (*user_handler)(struct mousedata *);
- void
- eventhandler(int eventbits, void (*handler)(struct mousedata *))
- {
- union REGS reg;
- struct SREGS seg;
- user_handler = handler;
- reg.x.ax = 12; /* function 12: install event handler */
- reg.x.cx = (eventbits != -1)? eventbits : 0;
- reg.x.dx = FP_OFF(_asm_event_glue);
- seg.es = FPTR_SEG(_asm_event_glue); /* function pointer segment */
- int86x(MOUSE_INT, ®, ®, &seg);
- }
- /*
- * void _c_event_glue_(ushort DX, ushort AX, ushort BX, ushort CX)
- *
- * Event handler code: called from the _asm_event_glue() assembler routine.
- * As much event processing as possible is performed using C code, the
- * _asm_event_glue() routine is used to set up a sensible environment
- * before re-entering the C code.
- *
- * When called from assembler code, _c_event_glue_() takes its arguments
- * as follows:
- *
- * CX on stack
- * BX on stack, pushed after CX
- * AX in ax register
- * DX in dx register
- *
- * *** WARNING *** these argument conventions are HI-TECH C specific
- */
- void
- _c_event_glue_(ushort DX, ushort AX, ushort BX, ushort CX)
- {
- static struct mousedata mouse;
- if (user_handler) {
- mouse.event = AX;
- mouse.buttons = BX;
- mouse.x = CX;
- mouse.y = DX;
- mouse.count = 0;
- mouse.keymods = KBSTATUS;
- mouse.timer = *_TICK_COUNT_;
- (*user_handler)(&mouse);
- }
- }
- /*
- * void _asm_event_glue(void);
- *
- * Event handler code, called interrupt style from the mouse driver.
- * This routine is responsible for passing the information in the CPU
- * registers into _c_event_glue_() routine, which in turn calls the user
- * supplied handler with the structure as an argument.
- *
- * For obvious reasons, this function is written in assembly language
- * and is very compiler specific.
- */
- #asm
- .psect bss,class=BSS
- .align 2
- ;
- ; Scratch pad values used by event glue code
- ;
- .globl __Lbss
- __old_ss: .blkb 2
- __old_sp: .blkb 2
- __old_ds: .blkb 2
- __old_es: .blkb 2
- .psect lbss,local,class=LBSS,reloc=16,size=65535
- #endif
- __glue_stack:
- ;
- .psect _TEXT,class=CODE,reloc=16,size=65535
- #else
- .psect ltext,local,class=CODE,reloc=16,size=65535
- #endif
- .align 16
- __asm_event_glue:
- PUSHF ;keep current flag state
- CLI ;ints off for the duration
- CLD ;direction forwards
- PUSH AX ;keep event bits
- PUSH DS ;and driver DS
- MOV AX,#seg(__Lbss)
- MOV DS,AX ;setup user DS
- POP __old_ds
- MOV __old_es,ES
- MOV __old_ss,SS
- MOV __old_sp,SP ;keep driver stack
- MOV ES,__old_ss ;ES indexes old stack
- MOV AX,#seg(__glue_stack)
- MOV SP,#__glue_stack ;setup our own stack
- MOV BX,__old_sp
- MOV AX,ES:[BX] ;get driver AX value
- CALL __c_event_glue_
- #else
- CALLF __c_event_glue_
- #endif
- MOV SS,__old_ss ;get driver SS
- MOV SP,__old_sp ;get driver SP
- MOV ES,__old_es ;get driver ES
- MOV DS,__old_ds ;get driver DS
- #endasm
- /*
- * End of file: MOUSE.C
- */